Sunday, October 19, 2008

Scooter Man

I don't know this man's real name but I'm going to refer to him as Simon, it seems appropriate.

It all started a few months ago when Ross called me on the phone laughing hysterically about this guy who he just saw on the UofU campus. He choked out a description of an older gentleman decked out in a suit wearing full pads and helmet over top. The guy had a scooter(the kind 10 year old sport on the neighborhood block) which he rode extremely slowly. One push and he brings both legs onto the scooter, waits until he is at almost a complete stop and then he would give another push.

This sounded pretty funny but I couldn't really appreciate the greatness of this story until Ross and were driving on state street near the freeway entrance Friday. I looked to my side and saw a great sight. I started jabbing Ross and when he looked over we were both overcome with joy. I don't know how Simon rode that scooter all the way from the U, but it must of taken him a long time. There Simon was dressed to the 9s, covered with knee and elbow pads... and of course his helmet. I give Simon mad props. He is true scooter die hard.

I can't help but have my curiosity raised by this sighting of Simon... how far does Simon ride that scooter everyday, weekly, monthly, and can you imagine yearly. Please if you spot Simon and his scooter let me know. Maybe if we map out his sightings we can estimate his travel.

I hope there are many more Simon sightings to come.


Tiffany Anderson said...

That is so randomly funny. I will keep my eye out for him.

Bethany said...

Excellent... Maybe he has a brother that rides at BYU! I will look for him. And yes, October birthday's be the best!

Lindsey said...

GINA! You seriously make me roll, girl. Looks like you're doing great! Happy Anniversary a few days ago, I hope you did somthing fun!

Kellie/Joe said...

I swear on everything holy that i have that exact picture in my phone somewhere.

I don't know how I ended up looking y at you guys' blog, but I see that there was a higher purpose; for me to laugh my a-- off.

Ross's Cuz, Kellie

Ashlee said...

Gina, you are hilarious!! If I see Simon, surely, I will let you know.